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Bianca Nguyen-Vietnam
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Introducing Bianca Nguyen, Universal Woman Vietnam 2024!
Meet, a distinguished representative of Vietnam.
Graduating from Vanlang University with a Bachelor’s in Interior Design, she ventured into the fashion world. With 3 years as a Fashion Stylist in Vietnam and 7 years at Vietnam Centre, Sydney, she has been a cultural ambassador.
Bianca’s global exposure includes internships at the Australian brand “Romance Was Born” and a Fashion Design and Textiles degree from Fashion Design Studio, TAFE. In 2022, she launched “B.TheLabel” and joined the design studio of the Australian fashion giant “ZIMMERMANN” in 2023.
Inspired by quotes like “Thoughts become things” and “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” Bianca embodies determination and vision, poised to represent Vietnam’s essence on the global stage.
Don’t miss the @universalwomanofficial 2024 competition live from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on March 24th.